G³⁶⁰ Presents at the NGWA Conference on Fractured Rock and Groundwater

Members of the G³⁶⁰ group are presenting at the NGWA Conference on Fractured Rock and Groundwater this week, held in Burlington, VT. This conference focuses on improved outcomes for groundwater remediation and examines what is needed to construct a sufficiently robust conceptual site model (CSM).

G³⁶⁰ Principal Investigator, Dr. Jessica Meyer (@HawkeyeHydroGeo), gave the keynote address to kick off the conference, titled “Do You Know Where Your Aquitards Are? A Case for Hydraulically Calibrated Geology as the Foundation for Robust CSMs of Contaminated Fractured Rock Systems”.

Talks will be presented by three other G³⁶⁰ members throughout the conference:
Senior Research Scientist, Dr. Pat Quinn:
Improving Hydraulic Aperture Estimations to Inform Discrete Fracture Network Models

Senior Research Engineer & Hydrogeologist, Steven Chapman:
Evaluation of High Resolution Methods for Contaminant and Flux Distributions in Igneous / Metamorphic Rock Settings

MSc Candidate, Sam Jacobson:
Direct Mass Flux Measurements for 1,4-Dioxane From an Industrial Site in a Karst Aquifer

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