World Water Day Highlights Groundwater Research, Sustainable Policies, and Work Still to be Done to Keep Drinking Water Safe.

On March 22, 2022, the Morwick G360 Groundwater Research Institute invited experts from across the University of Guelph and the broader community to reflect on the current state of groundwater research, best practices in resource management, and emerging challenges in contaminant mitigation and remediation.

Keynote speaker Mark Borchardt speaks about groundwater studies in Wisconsin.

One of the highlights included a panel reflecting on how the Walkerton Report, released 20 years ago this year, helped put the Province on a path to minimize the chances that a tragedy like Walkerton will occurring again.

Bruce Davidson speaks about the lessons learned from Walkerton.

One of the key takeaways of the day was that there is still much work to be done, including ensuring safe drinking water for Indigenous communities, and finding solutions for new and emerging contaminants.

Attendees examine research posters produced by University of Guelph students.

Graduate students from the University of Guelph also participated in the event, preparing posters on various topics in groundwater research. We are pleased to announce the winners of the poster competition:

3rd Place: Cameron Myshok

2nd Place: Oliver Conway-White

1st Place: Sarah Rixon

Emmanuelle Arnaud, Bruce Davidson, and Dave Rudolph discuss the legacy of the Walkerton Report 20 years on.
Experts from the One Health Panel discuss the interdisciplinary nature of groundwater research.
Jonathan Munn opens the discussion on municipalities and groundwater use.

Thank you to everyone attended in person and online. We would also like to thank the School of Engineering, The Guelph Institute for Environmental Research, and the One Health Research, for their support in hosting this event. Stay tuned for future events!

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